Limbraco BV

For over 50 years we have been active in the mechanization, automation and delivery of complete systems in the entire mushroom growing sector. With in-house knowledge and technology, Limbraco is able to offer turnkey projects, both in the Netherlands and around the world. This means the engineering, construction, machine technology and climate control systems required for a mushroom farm in its entirety. All specific components are manufactured in-house, for example, picking lorries, conveyors, special doors, climate units, control cabinets, etc.


Limbraco International BV realizes turnkey projects around the world. But equally the modification, expansion or a total upgrade of your farm would be in safe hands with Limbraco. All necessary climate control calculations - temperature, ventilation, humidity, air distribution and more – as well as the electrical and mechanical systems, are taken care of by our experienced staff.

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The automation of mushroom harvesting is a continually evolving process. ‘To stand still is to go backwards’ is a particularly relevant quote in this respect. We have developed a wide range of machines designed to optimally automate processes at your composting plant or mushroom farm.

Read more about machines

Let us impress you with our company’s versatility and innovative power